Installation and Testing Sewer Pump Station for Cedarcrest Village

Installation and Testing Sewer Pump Station for Cedarcrest Village

The pump station, force main, and sanitary sewer system installation work began several years ago but was not completed. Work on the project stopped when the sewer pump station was approximately 2/3 complete. Southern Associates has been contracted to compete installation of the sewer pump station, pressure test the force main and repair and leaks, pressure test the sanitary sewer system and repair as needed, and flush the storm sewer of silt, rock and construction debris. Work is scheduled to begin September 3, 2012 with projected completion October 15, 2012.

Project: Cedarcrest Village
Location: City of Dallas, Georgia
Paulding County Water System
Project Description: Complete installation and testing of sewer pump station, force main, water service, storm sewer, and sanitary sewer system.

About Southern Associates:

Southern Associates also provides water and sewer engineering and water and sewer utility construction. SAE specializes in the design, construction, and repair of municipal water and sewer lift stations as well as package waste water treatment plants. Southern Associates was incorporated in September 2003 by Steven Dalton. Steven Dalton is the president of the company, he also continues to serve as a Pump Station Design Engineer, Sewer Pump Station Service Engineer and a Licensed Utility Manager.

Media Contact:
Steven Dalton
Office: 770-929-0969
Fax: 770-929-1699
24-Hour Service: 404-234-3666

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